This article is about Malaysian state. For the Carribean island Saba. for others use SABAH.
Sabah is one of 13 members in the country after SARAWAK. Which is borders on its southwest.
Over thats, it also shares borders witch East KALIMANTAN of INDONESIA.
The capital Sabah is KOTA KINABALU.
Etymology :
The oringin of name SABAH is uncertain, and there are many theories that have.
One theory is that the time during part of the bruneian sultanate, it was reffred to as SABA because of the
presence of PISANG SABA, a type of banana. Due to the location of SABAH in relation to BRUNEI. it
has been suggest that SABAH was BRUNEI MALAYA.
Besides thats, another theory suggest that it came from the Malaya word SABAK which means a place
where palm sugar . SABAH its also Arabic words which maens.
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